Exhibitor application
Want to sell your works in store?
L'Abeille Blanche ASBL has opened a designer boutique at Rue Haute 73, 1000 Brussels!
65 Belgian artists are currently exhibiting in theshop.
Come join the team and sell your creations with us!

General informations
We are not accepting paintings at this time!
Example of accepted creations:
Candles, art print, ceramics, clothes with artistic print, jewellery, etc.
Indefinite duration of the contract, resume your creations whenever you want!
Store open 6/7
Deposit-sale contract
No permanence
No rent
If no sales -> no expenses for you
We take a 30% commission on each sale.
Regarding the conditions:
-We require all artists to have the ability to send invoices.
-> Either a self-employed status or go through the Smart
- That all artists are resident in Belgium
- That the prices displayed in the store are the same as on your website